Senator Aument E-Newsletter

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Senate Panel Completes Second Week of Budget Hearings

The Senate Appropriations Committee recently concluded its second week of hearings regarding Governor Wolf’s 2018-19 budget proposal. The third and final week of budget hearings will feature critical testimony from the Department of Education, the Departments of Health and Human Services and the Governor’s Budget Secretary, among others.

Video and summaries of the hearings, as well as a schedule of hearings to come, are available online at

REMINDER: Community Outreach Events Scheduled Next Week

It is critical for elected officials to meet with constituents to share ideas and perspectives on a regular basis. I have scheduled three outreach events next week that will allow community residents to share their thoughts and opinions on the most important issues facing Lancaster County.

On Monday morning, I will host a Coffee and Conversation event from 9-11 a.m. at The Gathering Place, located at 6 Pine Street in Mount Joy. This informal conversation allows local residents to talk about what is happening in our communities in a relaxed environment. Light refreshments will be available.

On Monday evening, I will also host a live telephone town hall beginning at 6:30 p.m. More information on how to participate in the tele-town hall is available online at

On Wednesday, I will host a town hall event beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Ephrata Borough Office, located at 124 South State Street. This format will allow for an in-depth review of some of the issues with the greatest impact on our state and region.

I hope you can join me for one or more of these outreach events.

I was honored to present a Senate Citation to Fairmount Homes President and CEO Jerry Lile in honor of his company’s 50th anniversary.

Persian Gulf Veterans Bonus Program Ends in August

Current and former members of the United States military, a reserve component of the United States military, or the Pennsylvania National Guard who served in the Persian Gulf War may be eligible for a special one-time bonus of up to $75 per month served in the theater of operations. The deadline to apply for the program has been extended to August 31, 2018.

Full details and application procedures for the Persian Gulf Conflict Veterans’ Benefit Program is available online at

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