Save PA

Save PA

Before We Ask Taxpayers for More Money
We Need to Find Ways to Reduce Costs in State Government


A message from State Senator Ryan Aument

For the last year there has been a very real disagreement about how best to manage state government. Governor Wolf has advocated for significant increases in spending in nearly all state executive departments and programs, and has requested that the General Assembly raise taxes to pay for this spending.

This approach would mean Lancaster County citizens would be contributing to billions more in spending and taxes.

Like most people, I believe that state government should do all that it can to reduce costs, save money, and eliminate waste fraud and abuse in the existing programs and services funded by taxpayers. Unfortunately, the dialogue often turns first to asking people to pay more for their government instead of finding prudent ways to save money.

This is precisely why I introduced Senate Bill 1025, which would create an independent office of Inspector General and give this important post more powers to find people and businesses who are cheating state government.

While it is the responsibility of lawmakers to reduce costs and manage the Commonwealth’s assets, every citizen can play a role in making government operate more efficiently.

As such, I welcome your suggestions regarding ways to reduce government spending and save tax dollars.

I have said it before and it deserves to be repeated, you are my best resource. I look forward to reviewing the ideas you share with me.

How can we save tax dollars?

How Can We Save Tax Dollars?

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