survey test

Should parents be empowered to send their children to a school that best suits their health, safety, and educational needs rather than being limited to attending the school in the district where they live?

  • Yes, parents should be able to send their children to a school that best suits their needs – 56%
  • No, children should attend the school for the district in which they live – 27%
  • Unsure, need more information – 17% 

Do you feel confident in the integrity and legitimacy of Pennsylvania’s election system?

  • Yes – 42%
  • No – 51%
  • Unsure – 7% 

Do you support requiring Pennsylvania voters to show photo ID in order to vote in our elections?

  • Yes, I support voter ID – 71%
  • No, I do not support voter ID – 23%
  • Unsure, need more information – 6% 

Should Pennsylvania be doing more to create new jobs by attracting businesses / employees to move here and incentivizing existing businesses / employees to stay here?

  • Yes, we should be doing more to make Pennsylvania economically competitive – 70%
  • No, Pennsylvania does enough for workers and employers – 7%
  • Unsure, need more information – 23%  

Since the 2017 expansion of fireworks in Pennsylvania, residents have experienced numerous preventable deadly tragedies as well as lodged numerous nuisance complaints due to these fireworks. Do you think this law should be limited again to restrict consumer grade fireworks?

  • Yes, the law is too lenient and should be more limited to protect communities and first responders – 62%
  • No, the expanded use of fireworks is okay – 23%
  • Unsure, need more information – 15% 

Pennsylvania currently has a law prohibiting local authorities from restricting access to or use of firearms and ammunition; however, enforcement of this law has proved difficult. Do you support reforming this law to allow for easier enforcement of local authorities attempting to restrict 2nd amendment rights?

  • Yes, local authorities should not be able to infringe on my 2nd amendment rights – 51%
  • No, local authorities should be able to create whatever firearm restrictions they want – 31%
  • Unsure, need more information – 18%

What are the top three most pressing issue for state legislators to address in 2022?

  • Election reform – 44%
  • Property taxes – 31%
  • Inflation – 25%
  • Healthcare – 23%
  • Environmental issues – 23%
  • Masking / vaccine mandates – 22%
  • Economic opportunity / jobs – 22%
  • Public school curriculum – 20%
  • Redistricting – 15%
  • School choice – 15%
  • Minimum wage – 15%
  • Firearms – 13%
  • Other – 12%
  • Public safety – 12%
  • Retroactive window of justice for sexual abuse survivors – 5%
  • Broadband – 4% 
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